Saturday, August 1, 2009

Things to accomplish before I retire

I recently came across this topic at one of my friends Facebook and been thinking to write something about it. It's an interesting and mind boggling topic, at least for me . You know like sometimes people love to dream about things that are far from reach, while at the same time, attainable? The kind of feeling that somehow makes you realize you could actually be able to make things happen? The one that gives you the boost to make you work extra hard the next day? That is what it is and I would bet that a lot of people love it.

I guess I shall start dreaming ... :)

The list ...

1. To own a cozy coffeeshop that sells cheesecakes, good coffees and serves American food. The one that caters for friends and family to hang out and chill.

2. To be able to rebuild a car on my own, in my own garage. Get down and dirty.

3. To get my family a little American styled home to live in. Moderately sized and has a nice lawn.

4. To be able to play a musical instrument for real.

5. To make enough dough for my family and I to continue to live happily ever after. :P

The fact is that I can go on and on and on about what I want but I guess it would be too lengthy, therefore, for the sake of easy reading, I keep my list at 5. Will continue if I can think of anything else in the future. Haha ...


  1. They are all really good goals that does not sound impossible. I am definitely going to support you for #1!!

  2. Ooo yah! I am really looking forward to the #1 goal! :)

  3. Only serve American food ar??! No Teh-O-ais limau??

  4. Wow .. dint think that anyone is actually reading this blog .. haha :)
    Thanks for visiting. And I am really certain about what to serve in the restaurant yet .. Still a dream .. haha -- Danny.
