Sunday, July 12, 2009

What's with you and the gym?

Let me first make a statement. "Honey, I am not GAY!" What's wrong with me trying to watch over my figure (currently the not so eye-catchy 88kg bulk!), having a little vanity being spotted in the middle of me buying new toner, moisturizer and blackheads remover? I supposed a lot of the new age men are doing that, trying to impress girls and what not. Okay, then again, considering the pregnancy, maybe the hilarious "me being gay" statement was being enunciated out of the pregnancy blue. Therefore, I give in. In this case, you are always right.

Anyway, in the middle of my after work and weekend boredom in China, I managed to find something that I can get myself acquainted with, without spending too much unnecessarily, at the same time get myself occupied in building something beneficial - WEIGHTLIFTING. I am not going for Arnold-Schwarzenegger-style mass (cos I think it's too heavy for me to carry around), nor I am going for Hugh-Jackman-Wolverinely ripped asset, all I want is simply healthy, lean body. Okay, maybe add a little lines to it and make the girls go "Hawt!" (I am dreaming)

Apparently, normal bars and clubs are not the scenes people would associate me with, (note I use "normal" for bars ;) Jazz bars are my thing!) neither is going out really really late at night. I am sort of boring, and people would actually think that I can make an excellent husband or daddy, which I try not to comment too much. Because if I do say yes, I would agree I am totally boring. Otherwise, I am a bad person who does not deserve the title "husband" or "daddy". Contradictory huh? I do, however, a frequent gym-goer now. Hit it at least 4 times a week on busy days or 7 times a week on a bored-to-death schedule. Trainers/friends there are exceptionally motivational, make you go like "give me 6 months I will be like you!". They too, help with the incredible advice on routines and diets.

One funny story that I heard from the trainers/friends, some of the Chinese men are there for a common reason - to regain the healthy body (and mind, hopefully) in order to reproduce after their years of enjoying oily and overly nutritious packed dinners, puffing tobacco heavy ciggies and most of all, pouring down bottles after bottles of potently prepared white wine. Hilarious huh? Believe it. It's true. It's like a last minute thing, but you know what? Like we always say, it's better than nothing! Gah! They only got one shot. They make the best out of it. *Remember one child policy in China?

On becoming a daddy

As many people would have put it --> Your life is OVER! I, for one, do not seem to think that way. I have absolutely no idea what the future holds for me now, as compared to the one that I have imagined without having an additional member of the family, but I would like to keep my positivity afloat. Yea .. there are certain level of responsibility that I have to take up, as any pro-single men on this planet could think of, and I do have my fair share of stress level increase from my wife.

Wife: Have you discussed with your friends who has experience about pregnancies?

(note: with frustration)

Me: No. Not yet. Will do.
Wife: Have you read up on pregnancy material? (note: Gotcha! I know you dint!)
Me: Hmm .. A little bit here and there. (So friggin lucky she dint test me on that, damn!)
Wife: You go download some music for foetal training/antenatal education. (note: an order)
Me: Ok.

Wife: Where have you been? (note: authoritatively)
Me: The bar.
Wife: Who were you with? (note: still authoritatively)
Me: The normal bunch .. the Americans.
Wife: What time did you come back home? (note: it's coming)
Me: About 12am.
Wife: Wahhhh .. very SINGLE hor?! (note: pure sarcasm, priceless!)
Me: Hehe .. no la. Sometimes only.

Occasionally she's in good mood, anything's possible! But if sometimes she's not, I painstakingly have to accomplish whatever she demands, just to toggle her
switch back to the "good mood" mode. The fetus needs it and I need it, and everyone's happy. Speaking of which, the first 3 months of the pregnancy was hell, as expected, (Honey, I read the book, you see, I know!) the new mother-to-be is said to be going thru some emotional readjustments, hormone imbalances, extra gravitational pull, supersizing (without having to pay extra RM1 for a set meal), delivery horror and what not. Blah blah blah. Oh wait! Do I sound like I'm complaining? Well, I am NOT. Get used to it.

On my feelings of becoming a dad, 5 months ago: Unbelievable. Present: Still unbelievable! Hell of a miracle. Godsend. It's a BIG turning point for me. Imagine this, I bought a condo unit in 2007 (big debt), a new wife in 2008 (bigger debt) and a baby in 2009 (should I go bigg-est?) , should I be getting worried things are going too fast or is this like the a-man-must-go-thru-stages-so-get-used-to-it kinda things?

Having said that, I am happily anticipating the arrival of my little one. Preparing myself along the way. Learning how to be a dad, though not really well-informed, yet. Running some errands remotely, just to help out my wife. Participating in pregnancy discussions and exchanging information with colleagues at the office (you will not believe how many people are getting pregnant this year at my work place) etc etc. From time to time, I will go "Oh oh .. Look! There is another one with the apron/anti-radiation dress!" on my male colleagues. *Anti-radiation apron is an apron-like outfit that preggies wear on the outside to prevent radiation waves or some sort being propagated towards their wombs to harm the fetus in one way or another. Apparently it's really popular here in China for some unproven medical reasons.

Life's not over for me. In fact, it is just the beginning. So much to learn. So much to experience. So much to get frustrated with. Though life can be tough sometimes, I still move on.